Face Mask
With the prospect of our lock down being relaxed in the near future, I thought I would research mask making! There are so many types that it wasn’t easy to choose the most suitable, but eventually I went for the popular 3 fold type with a wire insert and pocket for additional filter. This one seemed to make the closest fit to the face. My research suggested that closely woven fabric was ideal so I went for cotton, using an old shirt belonging to my other half ( he’s unlikely to read this post, so will never know!). If you’re running short on ‘making’ supplies don’t forget that most small local craft shops are providing a postal and delivery service and really need your support at the moment so why not give them a ring. Our local one can be found at www.crispincrafts.co.uk and can be reached on their mobile number at the moment on 07867673105. So first you need a rectangle 12 inches by 9 inches. I found it easier to fold the material in half and use a 6 inches by...