
Showing posts from February 15, 2020

Wood Earrings

Another of my Granddaughters saw some tiny log slice earrings in a shop in Finland and thought it would be an excellent thing for Granny to make for her! I like a challenge and so I set about the task. First I had to find a suitable stick... Then I used the band saw to make 4 slices and carefully sanded each side. Next I drilled a small hole into the top of each one... I burned Christmas trees on each side of one pair and small downhill skiers on the other pair, as my granddaughter is an avid skier, adding a little sparkle to the Christmas trees using sparkly gel pens. A coat of varnish finished them off before adding the silver plated earring hooks purchased previously. I shall definitely be making some more with different themes in the future. As always, if you have any questions please post a comment and I will do my best to answer them.

Bunny in a Box

Yesterday I was asked to make a little gift for one of my Granddaughter’s friends who was coming for a sleepover. I found this easy knitting pattern for the bunny which took no time at all to make up. I embroidered the eyes and nose on before I sewed it together. The knitting pattern can be found here: I also found a knitting pattern for the little dresses and learned 2 new knitting stitches in the process - always good to learn something new. The dress pattern can be found here: Next you just need a suitable box which is big enough for bunny to sleep in and store her dresses. Any scraps of material can be used to make the matching mattress, pillow and duvet, adding a bit of lace as a finishing touch! As always, if you have any questions please post a comment and I will do my best to answer them.