Log Planter

With spring around the corner and needing to come up with a house warming idea, I thought it was time for some chainsaw carpentry. I had to enlist the help of my other half for this project as it was a 2 person job!
First we wandered around the field searching for the right log. Sadly we have a number of dead elms and ash trees in our hedgerow thanks to Dutch Elm Disease and Ash Die Back, so we had several to choose from.
Next we had to cut into the log to mark the cavity, ensuring we didn’t go right through to the bottom.
We found it easier to cut additional slots into the cavity, which would make it easier to chisel out later.
Then start chiselling a block at a time.
Continue until you have a good size cavity for the plants and soil.
Finally fill with good soil and plant up.
Ta da!


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