Pop up Greetings Card

So here we are in lock down all trying to keep busy and upbeat. As the weather has been so good we have been busy bringing the garden back into shape after it’s rather wet winter and so my ‘making’ has been rather curtailed. However, my daughter and son in law have a wedding anniversary coming up and as we’re self isolating there’s no chance of buying them a card. I had a look on line but decided to make my own.

First I went through my stash of used greetings cards which are usually cannibalised by my granddaughters, but I don’t think they’ll be visiting any time soon as there is no end to the lock down in sight currently.
Next I pasted over the writing inside the card with coloured paper. I used two separate pieces as the card didn’t crease correctly in the centre when closed with one continuous piece. I then cut out 4 large hearts in a contrasting colour, folding the paper so I could cut them out all in one go using a template.

I folded each heart in half and stuck half of one heart to half of the next heart until they were all connected.

I pasted the two outside halves in the centre of the card and set aside to dry. Meanwhile I cut out four smaller hearts in another colour in the same way as the larger ones.
These were then pasted either side of the pop up heart and my message added.
Good luck and stay safe everyone x


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